Try getting a stack trace.

"Sending a signal to the Java Virtual Machine

  On UNIX platforms you can send a signal to a program by using the kill 
  This is the quit signal, which is handled by the JVM. For example, on Solaris
  you can use the command kill -QUIT process_id, where process_id is the process
  number of your Java program.

  Alternatively you can enter the key sequence <ctrl>\ in the window where the 
  program was started. Sending this signal instructs a signal handler in the 
  to recursively print out all the information on the threads and monitors 
inside the JVM.

  To generate a stack trace on Windows 95, or Windows NT platforms, enter the 
key sequence
  <ctrl><break> in the window where the Java program is running, or click the 
Close button on the window.

If you generate multiple stack traces, you can compare them to see if you are 
progress.  You can also use the debugger in Eclipse and pause execution to see 
you are making progress.

Without a test case, these things are notoriously difficult to track down.

Also, check your memory usuage.  The Java process should have plenty of memory
and not be garbage collecting.  The -Xmx command line argument to Java is what 
used to set the amount of memory.  For example -Xmx 500M sets the maximum stack 
to 500Mb.  To see how much memory your version of Kepler is using, do
Tools->Check System Settings.


Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have problem with Kepler. Sometimes when i add the new actor to the 
> workflow and execute it. The Kepler waits and the "resolving types" 
> message appears in the status bar. It looks like in a live lock. Have 
> you ever faced this kind of problem before. It is developer version so i 
> got it from  SVN (not latest one).
> Thanks,
> --ufuk
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