Hi Tomasz,
The problem is that in sta-1.xml, after running with
an array of three elements, and then changing the Const
to an array of two elements, the SequenceToArray actor
is not being enabled.

The issue seems to be with the arrayLength PortParameter
of SequenceToArray.

If I animate execution, then I can see that the ArrayToSequence
is firing before the ArrayLength actor.  It appears that
the SequenceToArray actor is not being enabled after the arrayLength
gets updated.

I tried to create a regular model that illustrated this bug
by using a Sequence actor instead of a Const but could not replicate
the bug.

However, I was able to create a Tcl test that reads in the model, runs
it, checks the output, changes the Const and then runs the model again.

I've included the Ptolemy model that is used in the test.  Note that
the model writes to stdout for testing purposes.

I'll see if I can take a look at this with Edward.


On 1/20/10 2:17 AM, Tomasz ?ok wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd also like to post the simplest example workflows showing exactly when this
> bug occurs.
> In the attachment you can find sta-1.xml and sta-2.xml. Both workflows produce
> an array out of set of tokens.
> Please load sta-1.xml and run it. You will see {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"} in the
> display. Right next after this execution, delete the token "ccc" from the
> input data and run the workflow. You will get no output at all.
> In the sta-2.xml do just the same steps. But in this case, you will correctly
> see {"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"} and later {"aaa", "bbb"}
> Both workflows should act the same, but only the second one works
> Regards,
> Tomek
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