This is interesting.  I agree that Tomasz issue probably has to do
with localization.  I'm not sure why the build would fail for Anne.

Details below:

Kepler-1.0 works fine for Chad and I, both of whom are on Macs.

As per
the commands I'm running are:
   mkdir kepler-1.0
   cd kepler-1.0
   svn co
   cd build-area
   ant change-to -Dsuite=kepler-1.0
   ant run

Under Mac OS X, I'm running:
   bash-3.2$ java -version
   java version "1.5.0_22"
   Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
   Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_22-147, mixed mode, sharing)
   bash-3.2$ ant -version
   Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on October 13 2009
   bash-3.2$ svn --version
   svn, version 1.6.6 (r40053)
      compiled Oct 22 2009, 14:13:09

Note that under the Mac I do get a warning:

       [run] /Users/cxh/src/kepler-1.0-1.6.0_17
       [run] Building Kars...
       [run] PHYLIP_EXE_DIR = null
       [run] GBLOCKS = null
       [run] DOT_PATH = null
       [run] KAR Library directories: 
       [run] regArray: 
Type at 99094a77
       [run] ERROR 
eServicesList:414) could not add service:The service type is invalid or null: 
lerSlaveNode.  Couldn't be added to list

The "Couldn't be added to the list" appears over and over again.

Under Linux, I was able to compile and run Kepler-1.0.  My setup is:
   [bldmastr at sisyphus ~]$ uname -a
   Linux 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5xen #1 SMP Wed Apr 29 
   1 EDT 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
   bldmastr at sisyphus ~]$ java -version
   java version "1.5.0_19"
   Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_19-b02)
   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_19-b02, mixed mode)
   [bldmastr at sisyphus ~]$ ant -version
   Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008
   [bldmastr at sisyphus ~]$ svn --version
   svn, version 1.6.6 (r40053)
      compiled Oct 22 2009, 08:33:25

Under Linux, for Kepler-1.0, I get the same warnings as for the Mac.

Tomasz is running under Linux.  The failure occurs under 1.5.u22 32 and 64bit
and 1.6.u18.
Could this be an internationalization problem?

Anne reports that the menu bar fails to appear under Mac OS with Java 1.6.
I'm assuming that Anne is trying to build kepler-1.0 as per the above 
Also, in Kepler-1.0, the menu bar appears over each window, the Mac menu bar
at the top will contain just the word "Kepler".  Note that this is different
from the svn devel head of Kepler, where under the Mac the Kepler menu appears
at the top of the screen.

I was sucessfully able to build and run Kepler-1.0 under the Mac with:
   bash-3.2$ uname -a
   Darwin Christopher-Brooks-MacBook-Pro.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 
9.8.0: We\
   d Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
   bash-3.2$ java -version
   java version "1.6.0_17"
   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-9M3125)
   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01-101, mixed mode)

I'm mystified.  I suspect internationalization in Tomasz case.
I'm not sure what to think about Anne's case.

BTW - Does the nightly test suite build Kepler-1.0?


On 2/5/10 9:46 AM, Tomasz ?ok wrote:
> Hi Anne and Daniel,
> My default locale is pl_PL. But for me, the uiMenuMappings file is not 
> created at
> all.
> Today I tried to compile Kepler on a different machine and was successful 
> there
> without problems. What I noticed is that when running there I got information
> about created tables in HSQLDB, etc. However on my regular computer, where 
> these
> problems occur, I do not have this information. I can just see some logs from
> AWT.EventQueue, then information that HSQLDB is running and that's all.
> Sorry for such imprecise mail. I will be able to send you more details about
> this HSQLDB issue on Monday when I will have access to my regular work 
> computer.
> For now, I just wanted to pinpoint the possible issue. Maybe Anne is in 
> similar
> situation and can provide this information straight away.
> Best regards,
> Tomek
> On pi?tek 05 luty 2010 at 18:32:46 Daniel Crawl wrote:
>> Hi Anne and Tomasz,
>> What is the default locale on your computer?
>> I get a similar behavior if I rename uiMenuMappings_en_US.xml,
>> in modules/gui/resources/configurations/, to, e.g.,
>> uiMenuMappings_fi_FI.xml, and restart Kepler (and clean out
>> KeplerData and .kepler).
>> Chad, what does the configuration manager do when it cannot
>> find the config file for the current locale?
>>     --dan
>> On 2/5/10 7:52 AM, Ngu, Anne Hee Hiong wrote:
>>> Tomasz,
>>> I just did a fresh checkout of kepler under mac os and compiled it with
>>> JDK 1.6, the menu bar did not appear as well. I am interested in the
>>> answer to that problem as well.
>>> Anne

Tomasz ?ok <tzok at> wrote
 > Update:
 > I tested it also on 1.5u22, both 64- and 32-bit versions of Sun's JDK. Each
 > time I did `ant clear-all` to ensure everything gets compiled with the new
 > chosen JDK. Still no results.
 > But as I can see in the sources, this is the problematic snippet of code:
 >       ConfigurationProperty prop = ConfigurationManager.getInstance()
 >         .getProperty(ConfigurationManager.getModule("gui"),
 >         new ConfigurationNamespace("uiMenuMappings"));
 >       List reposList = prop.getProperties("name", true);
 > I grepped my .kepler/ and KeplerData/ directoried for information like
 > "uiMenuMappings" and found nothing. It seems that during first `ant run` no
 > information about menu is even put in the configuration files.
 > Regards,
 > Tomek
 > On pi?tek 05 lutego 2010 at 09:15:54 Tomasz ?ok wrote:
 >> > Hi,
 >> >
 >> > Unfortunately full reinstall didn't help. I removed all kepler sources I
 >> >  had and after fresh checkout of build-area, I did `ant clean-all` which
 >> >  deletes whole $HOME/.kepler directory. Still I receive the same error and
 >> >  menu bar is missing.
 >> >
 >> > Do you have any idea what can I check? Did you found out in the sources
 >> > (basing on the stacktrace I pasted in the first email) what may be the
 >> >  possible cause of this problem?
 >> >
 >> > I am using GNU/Linux with kernel, x86_64 architecture. My Java is
 >> > Sun's JDK 1.6u18
 >> >
 >> > Regards,
 >> > Tomek
 >> >

>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: kepler-users-bounces at
>>> [kepler-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Chad Berkley
>>> [berkley at] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 2:06 PM
>>> To: Tomasz ?ok
>>> Cc: kepler-users at
>>> Subject: Re: [kepler-users] No menu bar in Kepler 1.x
>>> Hmm, that's really weird.  I just did a fresh checkout any everything
>>> worked.  I'm using JDK 1.5.0_19, but I think others are using 1.6 with
>>> no problems.  Let us know if you figure it out.
>>> chad
>>> Tomasz ?ok wrote:
>>>> Hi Chad,
>>>> Today I tried many different combinations:
>>>> - Kepler from head revision and Ptolemy from stable revision (does not
>>>> compile due to some broken dependency)
>>>> - Kepler from head revision and Ptolemy from head revision (compiles,
>>>> but doesn't have menu bar)
>>>> I also tried revision from yesterday and the day before yesterday, both
>>>> with no success. At one moment I thought it is a JDK problem, as I have
>>>> the newest one 1.6u18 released just recently. But switching to my backup
>>>> 1.6u16 did not help.
>>>> All these trials suggest that there is something wrong on my side. I
>>>> will try again tomorrow to install everything from scratch as you said.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tomek
>>>> On czwartek 04 luty 2010 at 20:43:07 Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tomek,
>>>>> If you've deleted your .kepler directory and run an 'ant clean-all',
>>>>> I'm actually not sure what the problem could be.  You might make sure
>>>>> that all of the code updated correctly.  You can run the 'ant change-to
>>>>> -Dsuite=kepler' command again to make sure you got all of the source.
>>>>> You can also run 'ant update' to pull any new changes from SVN.
>>>>> If you still can't get it to work, I'd recommend trying everything from
>>>>> scratch again.  Delete your ~/.kepler directory and your ~/KeplerData
>>>>> directory, then checkout the build-area again, and do a new change-to.
>>>>> Let me know if you figure it out.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> chad
>>>>> Tomasz ?ok wrote:
>>>>>> Small update.
>>>>>> After `ant clean-all` I do not get this error with SQL. However the
>>>>>> main problem with missing menu bar is still there.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Tomek
>>>>>> On czwartek 04 lutego 2010 at 12:39:41 Tomasz ?ok wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Kepler users and maintainers,
>>>>>>> Today I tried to install Kepler from trunk using this instruction:
>>>>>>> -sy ste m-instructions
>>>>>>> I prepared everything and compiled Kepler, but when I try to run it,
>>>>>>> in the beginning I get the following exception and the menu bar in
>>>>>>> Kepler is missing:
>>>>>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.gui.MenuMapper.createKeplerMenuBar( at
>>>>>>>       at ptolemy.gui.Top.deferIfNecessary(
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.gui.KeplerMenuHandler.pack( at
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> va: 58 2) at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._createEmptyConfiguration(VergilAppl
>>>>>>> ica ti at
>>>>>>> pli ca at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._parseArgs(
>>>>>>> 7) at
>>>>>>> ati on .java:226) at
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.<init>(
>>>>>>> at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication$
>>>>>>> at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
>>>>>>> at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThre
>>>>>>> ad. ja va:269) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.
>>>>>>> jav a: 184) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
>>>>>>> ad. ja va:174) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> Before this exception I received another one from SQL. I am not sure
>>>>>>> if these two are related anyhow, but I will paste the second one as
>>>>>>> well in case it's needed:
>>>>>>> java.sql.SQLException: Integrity constraint violation - no parent
>>>>>>> SYS_FK_68 table: CACHECONTENTTABLE in statement [insert into
>>>>>>> KAR_CONTENTS (file, lsid, name, type) values ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) ] at
>>>>>>>    org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.throwError(Unknown Source)
>>>>>>>       at org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(Unknown
>>>>>>> Source) at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.kar.KARCacheManager.insertEntryIntoCache(KARCacheManager.j
>>>>>>> ava
>>>>>>> :5 37) at org.kepler.kar.KARFile.cache(
>>>>>>>       at org.kepler.kar.KARFile.cacheKARContents(
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.kar.KARCacheManager.synchronizeKARCacheWithLocalRepositori
>>>>>>> es( KA at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.objectmanager.library.LibraryManager.buildLibrary(LibraryM
>>>>>>> ana ge at
>>>>>>> org.kepler.moml.KARLibraryBuilder.buildLibrary(
>>>>>>> :78 ) at
>>>>>>> 202 ) at
>>>>>>> ava
>>>>>>> :1 40) at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._createDefaultConfiguration(VergilAp
>>>>>>> pli ca at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._createEmptyConfiguration(VergilAppl
>>>>>>> ica ti at
>>>>>>> pli ca at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication._parseArgs(
>>>>>>> 7) at
>>>>>>> ati on .java:226) at
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication.<init>(
>>>>>>> at ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication$
>>>>>>> at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
>>>>>>> at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
>>>>>>>       at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThre
>>>>>>> ad. ja va:269) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.
>>>>>>> jav a: 184) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
>>>>>>> ad. ja va:174) at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> I have also tested it after deleting my $HOME/.kepler directory so
>>>>>>> that it doesn't mix files from different installations. But it didn't
>>>>>>> help me any further. Can you provide me with some information about
>>>>>>> possible causes of such behaviour?
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Christopher Brooks, PMP                       University of California
CHESS Executive Director                      US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
Programmer/Analyst CHESS/Ptolemy/Trust        Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2718             (Office: 545Q Cory)
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