Hi Arwa,
Manager extends NamedObj.
Managers are usually put into a CompositeEntity.
See ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity for various methods that will tell
you what is in a CompositeEntity.


To find all the instances of class Foo, below is some code that *might* work

NamedObj container = manager.getContainer();
if (container instanceof CompositeEntity) {
     List entities = ((CompositeEntity) container).entityList(Foo.class);
     // Then iterate through the entities . . .

You could probably avoid the instanceof check.

See the kernel chapter of the design doc for information about how to access
entities.  http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2008/EECS-2008-29.html


On 9/7/10 9:00 AM, Jamnagarwala, Arwa Mohmadi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to get a handle to a specific actor of a container in the 
> ptolemy.actor.Manager class, but I'm unable to do so. Can someone please let 
> me know how to possibly do this?
> Thanks,
> Arwa
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