Hi Vincenzo,
Do you have a small test actor and sample model?


On 6/21/11 8:05 AM, Vincenzo Forchi wrote:
Hi Edward,

On 21/06/2011 16:53, Edward A. Lee wrote:
Something's fishy here.
Such a model should work fine in PN.
Note that hasToken() _alaways_ returns true in PN.
That's good to know, I completely missed that
The get() method blocks when there is no input.
Apparently in this case it doesn't, but why is the fire even triggered in the 
first place?

Looks like something is terminating the threads
using a TerminateProcessException. How is your model
supposed to be stopped?
When all the tokens have been consumed, which works for most of my actors with 
the PN and for all of them with the DDF.


Christopher Brooks, PMP                       University of California
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