Dear Joseph M.
The hello world actor tutorial would be the best place to start.
I don't know of an easier way to add a Kepler 1.0 Perl actor to Kepler 2.x


On 1/26/12 1:25 AM, Josep Maria Campanera Alsina wrote:
Dear users,
How is possible to run perl code like R or python codes do with the
corresponding actors? I now, It has been a recurrent question from me,
but perl scripting is quite common in my area of bioinformatics. So it
would be extremely useful to have a perl actor embbeded by default in
Kepler. I programmed a custom perl actor for kepler 1.0 but now it is
out of date! It is a way to update this actor to kepler 2.3 without
doing the following tutorial?

Thank you!

Josep M.,
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