Hi Muhannad,
I don't have an answer, but looking at
yields information about making your own modules and suites.


A suite consists of nothing more than information concerning the modules, including particular versions and locations, that will appear in a particular distribution. Making a suite is what allows you to get commands like *ant get* and *ant change-to* working with your particular distribution. Please note that for a suite to enable these commands in the current system, it must be uploaded to *https://code.kepler-project.org/code/kepler/trunk/modules/*.

BTW - Instructions for adding actors to the Ptolemy II library can be found at
However, this won't help you with Kepler because Kepler users Kar files, modules and suites.


On 2/7/12 9:01 AM, Ali, Muhannad wrote:
any answers please?

On Feb 6, 2012, at 7:50 PM, Muhannad Ali wrote:

Hi Christopher,

thanks for your reply. I actually developed my actors according to the link that you sent (https://kepler-project.org/developers/teams/build/documentation/developing-a-hello-world-actor-using-the-kepler-build-system-and-eclipse). The problem is: there is no instructions in that link on how to ADD the actor to the library (all what the link explains is how to run the Kepler using the hello-world suite). Suppose I developed another actor HelloWorld2 (suite name hello-world-2) and used the same instructions to run Kepler using the second suite (hello-world-2). When I try to use the FIRST developed actor HelloWorld (suite name hello-world) --> I cannot instantiate it.

How could I run Kepler using two or more suites? is there a way to do that?

I hope the question is more clear now...



On Feb 6, 2012, at 4:50 PM, Muhannad Ali wrote:


I have developed two actors in Eclipse, say ActorI and ActorII . When I run the Kepler using ActorII configurations, I cannot instantiate ActorI. How could I deploy my ad-hoc actor to MY local library (I don't want to let all Kepler's users to use it), so that I can use it later?

I have check the documentation here (https://kepler-project.org/developers/reference/adding-a-new-java-actor-to-kepler-a-quick-tutorial) but I cannot find a "lib" folder under "$Kepler" directory, so I couldn't use it. Any help please?


Muhannad Ali

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