To MIT Kerberos Support,

Hope you can help with this problem I am having.  I am running one Domain Controller 
with Windows 2003 Server and Exchange 2003 Server. Every 15 minutes in my Event Viewer 
I am receiving the error report noted below.  The LSASS.exe is running at 99% CPU 
usage because of this.  


I checked my server for virues - it is clean.  I added a registry key to force 
Kerberos to use TCP over UDP for Kerberos packets.  I ran the ksetup. 


I have worked with Microsoft support on this and other than reloading the server's 
operating system they haven't anymore suggestions to help fix this problem.  


Any ideas what this might be?  


Thank you in advance for your time,

Mary Williams 




Event Type:      Error

Event Source:    Kerberos

Event Category:            None

Event ID:          3

Date:                2/10/2004

Time:                12:27:59 AM

User:                N/A

Computer:         ServerName


A Kerberos Error Message was received:

         on logon session 

 Client Time: 

 Server Time: 7:27:59.0000 2/10/2004 Z

 Error Code: 0xd KDC_ERR_BADOPTION

 Extended Error: 0xc00000bb KLIN(0)

 Client Realm: 

 Client Name: 

 Server Realm: DomainName.COM

 Server Name: host/

 Target Name: host/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Error Text: 

 File: 9

 Line: ab8

 Error Data is in record data.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at


0000: 30 15 a1 03 02 01 03 a2   0.¡....¢

0008: 0e 04 0c bb 00 00 c0 00   ...»..À.

0010: 00 00 00 03 00 00 00      .......


  Phase 3 Networks LLC
  Complete Computer Services for your business needs.  



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