On Apr 12, 2004, at 5:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: 12 Apr 2004 14:36:33 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (melissa_benkyo)
Subject: setup kerberos client
Precedence: list
Message: 5

Hello all,

its me againnn. :D
I'm having trouble setting up a kerberos client on solaris 8. I'm
running a kdc on a linux machine. and I want to use gss-server on the
linux machine and run gss-client on the solaris machine. is this

steps that I did:
1) add_principal host/<solaris_machine_name>@<REALM.COM>
2) ktadd -k /etc/krb5.keytab host/<solaris_machine_name>@<REALM.COM>
3) ktadd -k </tmp/host.keytab> host/<solaris_machine_name>@<REALM.COM>
[to the same thing for sample1/<solaris_machine_name>@REALM.COM>
4) ftp the host.keytab and sample1.keytab to the solaris machine
5) gss-server -port 44444 -verbose sample1
GSS-API error acquiring credentials: Miscellaneous failure
GSS-API error acquiring credentials: No principal in keytab matches
desired name
But if I use the sample/<linux_macine>
GSS-API error acquiring credentials: Wrong rpincipal

solaris client side
6) kinit <kerberos user> (OK!)
7) gss-client -port 44444 sample "hello world"

can someone please tell me what I did wrong?


The solaris server error message is what you get if it can't use the keytab. Solaris 8 only supports DES-CBC-CRC and DES-CBC-MD5.

1) Make sure those are the only encryption types for the server principal in on the KDC.

2) Re-create the keytab, making sure the kvno as well as the encryption types match.

I expect the client error is a result of the server error.
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