On Oct 25, 2004, at 4:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First, I'd like to mention I was mistaken when I said the 'libdefaults'
section, I meant 'appdefaults', such as:

 ticket_lifetime = 30days
 renew_lifetime = 180days

or alternatively, within a 'kinit' subgroup.

I'm running with:

        renewable = true
        renew_lifetime = 7d

on my Solaris clients and it seems to do the right thing (against a Heimdal kdc). Looking at the Solaris 9 krb5.conf man page I see max_renewable_life as an [appdefaults] option, but nothing else. Perhaps the renew_lifetime line isn't needed?

I suspect the renew_lifetime line is a carryover from some other krb5.conf. In Heimdal it can go in either section and "7d" is OK (vice 7days).

An MIT 1.3 man page does not mention max_renewable_life, and puts renew_lifetime in [libdefaults] only.

I suppose I shouldn't complain. Everyone really is pretty compatible if you're willing to deal with the details. That indicates serious effort on the part of all the implementors, free and commercial alike.
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