I just went back to a known-good krb5.conf from Jaguar; stripped out all the extraneous realm definitions; added the dns_fallback = no line; and retested. I can now get kerberos 4 tickets on Panther from an AFS kaserver. Obviously I missed something.

I will note that the code *still* does a dns lookup.

15:43:30.892937 IP dhcp-149-196-226.jpl.nasa.gov.60962 > ns2.jpl.nasa.gov.domain: 37782+ SRV? _kerberos-iv._udp.JPL.NASA.GOV. (48)

I suppose it works because there is no Kerb 4 service record for Active Directory. I've had no end of testing trouble with AD hijacking my attempts to use test servers with the real domain/REALM names.

Is there another fallback option that applies to Kerb 4? Can I put that option into a realm definition so I still do lookups for non-JPL realms?

I really don't want to bother you folks too much about Kerberos 4. Sorry. Kerb 4 should die. It's just that there's this little project here that won't let me deploy Kerb 5 until after they land their probe on Titan in January.

On Nov 30, 2004, at 8:24 AM, Alexandra Ellwood wrote:

On Nov 30, 2004, at 4:25 AM, Henry B. Hotz wrote:

Except for the environment variable thing that's exactly what I did. (I put the file in /Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos.)

I didn't do it myself, but someone else was able to use a close relative of my krb5.conf file with RHEL 3. The kinit command *required* the -4 option even though the JPL realm was defined to be K4 only.

That should not be necessary on OS X. KfM should notice that you don't have a v5 config and only get you v4 tickets. Is that what you are seeing?
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