seems like it worked. we have not been getting dead mureqds for a while(this is our application that was failing)

fariba wrote:

i relinked our other application(mureqd) with the new 2.6 (thread disabled) and released it, to see if the process functions better now.

Phil Dibowitz wrote:

On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 03:53:40PM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
"fariba" == fariba  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   fariba> i work with phil as well. i was wondering what are the
   fariba> proc/con of using these flags:

   fariba> --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-threads

It turns off threads support which gets you roughly the 1.3.x
behavior.  If miltiple threads are using the library at once you can
run into problems.  It disables shared libraries and enables static
libraries.  That means that Kerberos is linked into each application
instead of using a dynamic library.

BTW, I didn't disable shared libraries (we need them), but I did disable

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