On Aug 31, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Monaco, Jake wrote:


My name is Jake Monaco and I'm the Music Technology Specialist at the University of Richmond. We just recently upgraded to Mac OS X 10.4. When one student connects to his or her file share, the name and password are sticking even when the file share is trashed. We are prompted with the Kerberos Key Chain pass initially. I have tried trashing all preferences involving Kerberos but that does not work. I would like to get rid of Kerberos in its entirety on our lab computers. It is much easier for our set up for the students to use the "Connect to server" prompt.

If you are using Mac OS X Server for your file server (AFP), you should use the Server Admin application to change your Authentication setting to "Standard" (not "Any Method" or "Kerberos") for the AFP service. This setting is in the "Access" tab under the Settings for the AFP service.

If you do not want to use Kerberos at all, make sure you do not have a "/Library/Preferences/edu.mit.Kerberos" file or a "/etc/krb5.conf" file on your client machines. This will prevent the Authenticate to Kerberos dialog from automatically appearing in response to applications negotiate Kerberos. Note that some applications may still programmatically generate the dialog even if you have no Kerberos configuration (hence my recommendation to turn off Kerberos support in your AFP server).

Hope this helps,


Alexandra Ellwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MIT Kerberos Development Team

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  • Re: question Alexandra Ellwood

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