On Oct 24, 2006, at 7:35 PM, Nicolas Williams wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 06:19:04PM -0700, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>> No, I'm not talking about using LDAP to store the back-end for a KDC.
>> I'm wondering if there are any thoughts or wisdom related to RFC 2307
>> (or successors) about how to store meta-information about Kerberos
>> principals.  That RFC defines schema's for "machines" and things with
>> IP numbers.  I also need to associate an "owner" for non-people
>> principals.
> Users don't make good owners.  They change job descriptions, go on
> extended vactions/sabatticals, leave, die, are laid off, are fired...
> IMO groups make much better owners.
> Nico
> --  

Yeah, OK.  I just don't have an organizationally meaningful  
alternative available.

Other people on the list should take note though.

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