Hi Nco,

> I've an Internet-Draft on the subject.  I intend to update it soon.

Excellent!  Bookmarked it on http://realm-xover.arpa2.net/kerberos.html
and am printing it for review.

> If all goes well I might find myself implementing a
> few months from now, or if not maybe we can con someone else into
> doing it.


> - kx509 (local realm) -> PKINIT at remote realm to get a TGT for

Oh, that’s an interesting angle!  So, unlike earlier PKCROSS proposals you 
to change the client code.

> - add an ephemeral, cacheable mechanism by which KDCs can bootstrap a
> symmetric x-realm principal key

I’m exploring a similar thing (that I was hoping to present a bit later, it’s 
still shaky)
namely Kerberos + Diffie-Hellman for AP_REQ / AP_REP, which may turn out to be
fairly simple to add through the “subkey” mechanism, 
but that doesn’t hold for AS_REQ / AS_REP as far as I can tell.  What a pitty 

> - use DANE for realm public key authentication

Mind you, DANE is a bit of a beast to operate, due to the same-time changes in
DNS and the server at hand.  That’s something we’re working on at SURFnet.

> - use DANE stapling to avoid the need for slow I/O in KDCs
> The only part of this that's difficult at all is the DANE stapling part.

If I understand it correctly, it’s passing DNS data through a TLS pipe…

IF sending along the RRSIG chain of trust THEN
        need to constantly update the DNS data known in the TLS server;
        arrival of DNS data in application software which doesn’t have a clue 
and doesn’t have a cache
        still need to inquire with DNS to get the RRSIG, and that involves 
doing the DNS queries again

I hardly think a mere optimisation could be worth the conceptual mayhem that it 

I’ll get back to you after reading your draft.  Thanks very much!


Rick van Rein
Kerberos mailing list           Kerberos@mit.edu

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