Hi Simo,
> Sound like your Apache server is not configured to apply authentication
> modules to the location you are asking for ?

Solved ! Thank you for advice.

The configuration of my apache 2.4 was the problem.

The old (and working) config directory directive in Apache 2.2 with
mod_auth_kerb was configured with:

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
followed by some mod_auth_kerb options
Require valid-user

I translated this options in the new directory directive in Apache 2.4
with mod_auth_gssapi:

Require all granted (instead order allow,deny / allow from all from the
apache 2.2 config like description
followed by some mod_auth_gssapi options
Require valid-user

I removed "Require all granted" and the basic auth username / password
box from the browser appears and works.


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