On 01/17/2018 12:55 AM, Jochen Hein wrote:> # KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr
kinit admin
> [12904] 1516167827.841029: Getting initial credentials for ad...@example.org
> [12904] 1516167827.845059: Sending request (169 bytes) to EXAMPLE.ORG
> [12904] 1516167827.845173: Resolving hostname kdcproxy.example.org
> [12904] 1516167828.115087: Terminating TCP connection to https 89.0.xx.yy:443
> [12904] 1516167828.551801: Terminating TCP connection to https 
> 2a0a:a541:57ed:0:216:[redacted]:443
> kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm EXAMPLE.ORG' while getting initial 
> credentials
> No hint what the problem might be, KDC log is empty.

Thanks for reporting this.  I plan to add a trace log when the k5tls
module fails to load, saying:

    Error loading k5tls module: -1750600190/Could not find tls plugin
module named 'k5tls'

Does that seem clear enough?
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