Hi Chris,

Both dev list should be OK as Kerby folks are also in the parent one.

I haven't read your details fully (will do it later), but would make sure if 
you have already checked out the test of TicketCacheLoginTest in the kerby code 
base. In one word, Kerby client surely can consume and use a credential cache 
generated by other tools like MIT kinit. If you see any issue, please report 


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Lamb [mailto:christopher.l...@ch.ibm.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 5:09 PM
To: kerby@directory.apache.org
Subject: Using Kerby kerb-client as an alternative for GSS-API for Kerberos 
Single Sign On.

Hi all

I hope this is the appropriate mailing list for this type of question. Or would 
it be better on the Directory Developers’ list?

I am considering using Kerby kerb-client as an alternative to Java GSS-API for 
a Java client application in a Kerberos single sign on environment.

In my proof of concept setup I am using FreeIPA clients and servers.  When the 
user logs on to his workstation he is authenticated by the FreeIPA KDC, and  
gets a TGT which is cached in the default credentials cache. When he wishes to 
access services from the application server (which is a Service Principal), the 
TGT in the credentials cache is used to get a Service Ticket, which should also 
be cached in the credentials cache for future use.

With a throwaway Python GSS-API client this worked perfectly. "klist" shows 
both the TGT and the SGT in the credentials cache. But trying to do the same 
thing with Java GSS-API I ran into problems. While the Client is able to 
retrieve a Service Ticket, and thus login to the Service Principal, the SGT is 
not cached. Thus every request to the Service Principal requires KDC 
interaction. Not good.

In my search for alternatives, I came across Kerby kerb-client, and am 
experimenting with it, but so far without success despite much debugging and 
scanning of Kerby code.

Here is the question: Can the Kerby kerb-client be configured to access an 
existing Kerberos credential cache (as opposed to a KeyTab), and to use the TGT 
ticket within, and to cache new service tickets? In this case the existing 
credentials cache is from

So far I have found no config to do so. Searching through the Kerby code I find 
references to things like  ‘credCache’, ‘KRB5_CACHE’, ‘ARMOR_CACHE’.
However in AbstractInternalKrbClient.requestTGT() I can’t find any USE_xxx 
options that seem appropriate for using a credentials cache.

Have I missed something obvious? If so, which options should I be configuring?



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