On 09/27/2011 11:06 AM, Dave Jones wrote:
> We've been having monthly team meetings for a few months, and have
> decided that some of the material we end up discussing should really
> be shared with a wider audience.  Here are the minutes from this
> months meeting for example, that Chuck captured:
> http://fpaste.org/3LYS/

Once the TTL expires, fpaste puts the content behind a captcha.  I'm not
sure if it ever dies completely, but for this purpose I think longevity
is preferred.  Could you just send the whole notes to the list in the

> So as noted at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel, we're
> going to try a monthly one hour meeting at 1800UTC the 2nd Friday of
> every month in #fedora-meeting.
> No fixed agenda to begin with, let's see where it goes.

I will be interested to read notes, even if I forget to lurk in the
actual meeting.  Thanks for doing this.
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