Am 17.04.20 um 01:29 schrieb Jeremy Cline:
> On Thu, 2020-04-16 at 08:34 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>> Am 15.04.20 um 15:41 schrieb Jeremy Cline:
>>> On Wed, 2020-04-15 at 11:31 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> […]
> I've proposed a readme[0]

Ahh, good. Nitpicking: maybe a comment or two at the appropriate places
in the spec file (especially near "Source0") pointing towards that
readme would be good afauics, as that's where a lot of people will look
and might get puzzled otherwise.

> and something to break the patches out for
> those who prefer dist-git[1].

Great, thx.

>>> However, if you want to continue building from the dist-git, the
>>> patch
>>> is ignored if it's empty so doing
>>> $ truncate -s 0 patch-*-redhat.patch
>>> will also give you a vanilla build.
>> Ahh, good to know.
>> Thx for replying and looking into this,
> Given this are do you still want a --with-vanilla option?

Ohh, seems you got me wrong here a little bit. I don't care much about
it, I only noticed it's still there and afaics broken. So decide yourself.

I think it was good to have it in the past, but not so much now
kernel.spec became even harder to understand for people that want to use
it as base for a customized package. At least if I was not familiar with
how things work I would simply not use something as base that has a 100m
file "Source0: linux-20200416git9786cab67457.tar.xz" in it, as it's not
that easy to check if that is pristine. That's why I would have strongly
preferred if you had continued to use the regular tarballs and
patch-x.y.z.xz files as a base, but well, I can see that would have made
things more complicated.

CU, knurd
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