From: Thorsten Leemhuis on

I emulated the "git archive --format=tar ark-latest makefile
Makefile.rhelver redhat/ | tar -x;" with the sed trick from v1 locally
with a mainline tree. Worked like expected afaics. I'm not sure yet if I
want to use that for building vanilla kernels (I could simply continue
to base by stuff on the dist.git stuff from Fedora; see also(¹)), but I
can see that it might be useful for some people.

Two things:

- the commit description say "NO_CONFIGCHECKS make dist-configs"; afaics
it needs "NO_CONFIGCHECKS=1 make dist-configs" or something like that
(or am I missing something?)

- I was more interested in getting a SRPM, so I tried 'make
NO_CONFIGCHECKS=1 dist-srpm'; worked (didn't build it yet), but the
configs are different from those in Fedora rawhide afaics (both debug
and non-debug). I'm wondering if I did something wrong here(¹).

(¹) FWIW, that's my main problem with kernel-ark – there is so much
magic happening everywhere and the kernel.spec it generates is even more
complicated then it used to be, which kinda leads to a "I better stay
away from this" feeling :-/
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