From: Herton R. Krzesinski on

I can change the default to RHEL. However, I'm not sure anyone is still
able to build with rhel-8, because of the config options that require
gcc-plugin-devel + new GCC, last time I tried building on RHEL 8 I
couldn't due it. Unless the configs of gcc plugin struckleak were
reverted already, I don't remember that happening yet.

After installing some packages from fedora (bats, parallel), I did:
make dist-srpm
make dist-self-test
This is the result:
$ make dist-self-test
make -C redhat dist-self-test
make[1]: Entrando no diretório '/home/remote/hkrzesin/kernel-ark/redhat'

BUILDID is ".test".
 ✗ shellcheck
   (in test file self-test/0001-shellcheck.bats, line 7)
     `[ "$status" = 0 ]' failed
 ✓ Exactly one SRPM exists
 - rpmlint (skipped: Skip rpmlint test pending kernel.spec.template
 ✓ SRPM unpacks OK
 ✓ Linux tree unpacks OK
 ✓ Linux top level structural check
 ✓ Exactly one SRPM exists
 - rpminspect (skipped: The rpminspect package is not installed)
 ✓ dist-dump-variables v5.8
 ✓ dist-dump-variables v5.8-rc7
 ✓ dist-dump-variables v5.8-9-g565674d613d7
 ✓ dist-dump-variables v5.8-rc5-99-g25ccd24ffd91
 ✓ dist-release prologue
 ✓ dist-release test 1
 ✓ dist-release test 2
 ✓ dist-release test 3
 ✓ dist-release epilogue

17 tests, 1 failure, 2 skipped

The shellcheck failures does not seem related to my changes here:
`$ shellcheck $(find redhat -name "*.sh")

In redhat/ line 22:
# shellcheck will complain about bootprefix being referenced but not
^-- SC1073: Couldn't parse this shellcheck directive. Fix to allow more
                 ^-- SC1072: Expected '=' after directive key. Fix any
mentioned problems and try again.

In redhat/ line 17:
^----------^ SC2034: ZSTREAM_FLAG appears unused. Verify use (or export
if used externally).

In redhat/ line 51:
        ^master "$lasttag".. -- ':!/redhat/rhdocs' | ${0%/*}/
>> "$clogf"
                                                     ^-----^ SC2086:
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean:
        ^master "$lasttag".. -- ':!/redhat/rhdocs' | "${0%/*}"/
>> "$clogf"

In redhat/ line 1:
^-- SC2148: Tips depend on target shell and yours is unknown. Add a
shebang or a 'shell' directive.

For more information: -- Tips depend on target shell
and y... -- ZSTREAM_FLAG appears unused.
Veri... -- Double quote to prevent
globbing ...``

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