This happens everytime I do suspend. The screen goes blank and the caps lock
keys goes
on and off. So yeah, the bug is reproducable. I can't send a photo of the
crash though, as the screen is blank. Is there some way I can have the
kernel print to the screen or log on panics?

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Daniel Baluta <>wrote:

> > I'm using fedora 15, and just compiled 3.0.1 stable. I'm getting a kernel
> > panic when I close my laptop lid and it goes into suspend.
> > How should I go about debugging this? Are there error logs I can check?
> Is
> > there some way I can debug the linux kernel image?
> > I'm a complete newb to linux dev, so any help would be appriciated.
> Does this always happens? Send us a photo with the crash.
> thanks,
> Daniel.
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