On Wed, 04 Sep 2013 00:59:03 +0530, Varad Gautam said:

> I have also subscribed to the LKML, but find it completely incomprehensible!
> As a beginner, would it be better to work with the kernel of a specific OS 
> (I'm
> running Ubuntu), or work on the upstream kernel?

Depends what you're trying to do.  But please note that if you're
finding it *completely* incomprehensible, you're probably not going to
be able to make any real code contributions until you get up to speed.
Yes, there's some threads on lkml that there's only a dozen people who
will actually understand - but most discussion threads on lkml are ones
that anybody who's able to do kernel hackind should be able to at least
follow and figure out what's going on.

Yes, the ability level needed to hack on the kernel and get code
upstreamed *has* gone up in the last 5 years or so.

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