On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 01:59:08PM +0530, sourav mondal wrote:
> hi,
> I want to be a kernel developer.I don't really know much about linux
> kernel. can anyone suggests me some good books that can help to learn more
> about the kernel development?
> thanks,

Not sure if it the whole book is good, but I liked the 100+ pages I read
in Linux-Treiber entwickeln[0]. If you can't read German might be a
challenge but found it to be newer than LDD3.

Have you considered finding a subsystem you like and try reading all the
emails the maintainer replies to? I have tried that several times now
and some of the cover letters / commits feels like reading a chapter in
a book.

[0]: https://www.dpunkt.de/buecher/12176/Linux-Treiber%20entwickeln.html

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alexander Alemayhu

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