On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 15:44:33 -0500, Steve Boley said:

> I have old source for a proprietary card that used to dev for both unix and
> linux and uses the old sysV streams code for talking to the native
> operating system. The streams is long out of development and trying to port
> it to working CentOS 6 2.6.32 is proving less than fun.

If 2.6.32 is proving hard, getting to a *modern* release will be even worse...

> I'd like to know what we need to use within the native linux kernel to
> ditch the streams package altogether and just rewrite both ends.

Well... let's make the assumption that the streams stuff was the result of
really good pharmaceuticals.

What sort of card is it?  Is there anything *remotely* similar already in-tree?
Even if this card can't leverage any driver directly, even just knowing "Oh, 
a networking card, so our driver should look like other networking card drivers"
or "It's an accelerometer, so let's do it the same way as the last one that went
into the kernel" is a huge step forward.

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