On Sat, 08 Aug 2020 12:48:08 -0500, cristian andres vargas gonzalez said:

> Who have an empty body,

Which is a reasonable thing to have, if the function doesn't do anything on a 
architecture or configuration.

> I understand that they are inside a conditional created by the preprocessor
> directives and also that they are called in some parts of the code , but would
> it really be necessary that when the directive is not true to leave the
> function with the body empty, would it be a solution?

I admit being confoozled here - would leaving a function with an empty body be
a solution? Obviously it *would* be one, because the kernel currently does

> Or is it just missing to eliminate those functions without a body?

Feel free to try it and see what happens. :) (Make sure to try two different
configs, one that includes the version that has the non-empty body, and
one that tries to call the eliminated function without a body).

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