On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 11:21 AM Scott J. Crouch <scottjcro...@gmail.com>

> On 8/10/22 15:01, neutrino network wrote:
> > How to update linux-headers for kernel (6.0.0) compiled from source in
> centos?
> >
> > System has kernel 4.18 headers while kernel is 6.0, however userspace
> program generates  error e.g*fatal error: linux/mutex.h: No such file or
> directory*
> linux/mutex.h is a kernel header.  User-space programs don't use those.
> Are you trying to compile an out-of-tree module by any chance?  If so, you
> should
> probably install the kernel development headers packaged by your
> distribution,
> and point your makefile to those (or you can just point it to the
> directory where
> you built your kernel).
> Hope that helps.
> Scott.

>> linux/mutex.h is a kernel header.  User-space programs don't use those.
Are you trying to compile an out-of-tree module by any chance?
This is a test on a patched kernel. The patch has an API for userspace

>>  If so, you should probably install the kernel development headers
packaged by your distribution,
Trying to install headers with "sudo yum -y install kernel-headers" returns
that headers are already installed even its removal reinstall the old
kernel headers
 Tried also "yum install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) " !

>> and point your makefile to those (or you can just point it to the
directory whereyou built your kernel).
How can my application point to the kernel source, does it require settings
in glibc?

Tried "make headers_install" in kernel source but still faced the error
issue ! btw if a destination directory is passed e.g "make headers_install
INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/usr/include", i found that "net" directory is missing in
the destination directory it only place some files and not all, am i using
it correctly?

Note: I don't "make install" after any of above commands

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