On 13 October 2010 19:12, Giovanni Corriga <giovannicorr...@tiscali.it> wrote:
>  Dear Kexi Development Group,
> thanks for your prompt reply.
> The fact that in future versions for Windows and Linux native Kexi menus can
> be enabled again is good news.
> With regard to what is said in the third paragraph of your response we
> agree: too complex applications with highly nested menus are often
> unsuitable for end users. If I remember correctly, a survey that was done
> years ago, it appeared that the mass of users using only 15% of the
> functionality of any program.
> But a problem arises: KDE standards and they must, or should I say should be
> followed.
> How to solve the problem?

The standard/guidelines would have to be extended.

> Lately KDE seems taken from the "not invented here syndrome." I also think
> of KDevelop. Throw away the work of so many years of development and start
> again, at least when you could save or update of the work done. There are
> the "Principle of the Pig" and "keeps things simple, stupid", if anyone
> remembers him. The fact is that since the user interface of KDevelop 4 I do
> not like, I decided to take the hand of the old code 3.5.5 and update
> everything. An infamous work if done alone.

Regarding KDevelop I am observing users of KDevelop on daily basis and
they are happy with the new interrface. Old one was suboptimal for
reasons I and you already have mentioned. I am not afraid of NIH
syndrome - KDevelop shares concept of views with Apple XCode, Eclipse
and recently Qt Creator, to name just these three. Kexi will
increasingly benefit from usage of views I hope.

> PS: I think I'll end up returning to Superbase type user interface for the
> Atari ST, or even further back, like Archive of old Sinclair QL. What
> memories.

Ah you met Atari fan here :)

PS: please use kexi@kde.org for the conversation.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & KOffice (http://kexi-project.org, http://identi.ca/kexi,
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (http://windows.kde.org)
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