On 10 September 2011 14:52, Anne Wainwright <anothera...@fables.co.za> wrote:
> Hi,
> Last time  I wrote we weren't there, now we are and I have
> upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 and have Kexi 2.2.2 running.
> (See thread started by Swarup 24 March 2011) "How to add a column to
> table in Kexi 1.1.3?).
> My databases were created using Kexi 1. Would I be right in suspecting
> that there are incompatibilities with these and Kexi 2 and that I
> will have to create a new database using Kexi 2 ?
> We can connect and view data in the main database table and queries but
> the original data entry form is no-go. In Data view we get a page
> layout of 'KexiDBAutoField's but no data. In Design view I see no
> fields in the Property Editor and thus no way of assigning fields to
> the display, or even of creating a new form.
> The following is given in the Property Editor.
> "No datasource can be assigned for this widget"
> so it looks like it does not read from the existing.

Hello Anne,
Support for AutoField widgets is the major visible change since Kexi 2.2.
Users have to remove them and insert text boxes and text labels instead.

> Whether I look at my main postgresql database or one created in SqLite
> the situation is the same.

That's true, the incompatibility is withing forms so it's independent
of the data source type.

We plan to have flexible layouts that would cover the use case of
autofields better.

To make life easier for users of Kexi 1.x I just came to conclusion
that AutoFiels should be somehow 'imported' as labels+text boxes. It
would be for Kexi 2.4.1 or so.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (kexi-project.org, identi.ca/kexi, calligra-suite.org)
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (windows.kde.org)
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