On 11/8/19 5:30 PM, Russell King - ARM Linux admin wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2019 at 04:28:30PM +0000, Dmitry Safonov wrote:
>> Well, the use-case for lower log-level is that everything goes into logs
>> (/var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages whatever rsyslog has settting).
>> That has it's value:
>> - after a failure (i.e. panic) messages, those were only signs that
>> something goes wrong can be seen in logs which can give ideas what has
>> happened.
> No they don't.  When the kernel panics, userspace generally stops
> running, so rsyslog won't be able to write them to /var/log/messages.
> How, by "kernel panics" I mean a real kernel panic, which probably
> isn't what you're talking about there.  You are probably talking
> about the whole shebang of non-fatal kernel oops, kernel warnings
> and the like.  If so, I'd ask you to stop confuzzilating terminology.
> If you really want to capture such events, then you need to have the
> kernel write the panic to (e.g.) flash - see the mtdoops driver.

I was talking about things prior the panic: OOMs, MMC write/read
warnings, hung tasks, we also have local patches to produce a warning if
the mutex is being held for too long or a task is starving on CPU time
by hard/soft irqs (I hope I will design something like that for
upstream). I've found those warnings useful to:
(a) have an early message when the things are starting going bad.
(b) analyze contentions or too large scale for a box or faulty hardware
for non-reproducible issues just from logs.

We use kexec to save the dmesg ringbuffer content after the panic.


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