Am 02.08.21 um 13:11 schrieb Ian McInerney:

> This error has been discussed on the list before, but basically it is
> caused by using the same source tree and trying to build both 5.1 and
> master by switching back and forth between them using git checkout.
> There were several changes to where auto-generated header files are
> located between the two, so if you switch between the two it can get the
> wrong header files - specifically this error is it using the 5.1 header
> file which was created in the source tree in the master branch build
> instead of the new one for the master branch that was created in the
> build directory. One way to fix this is to use different trees for the
> two, or remove the ignored generated files.

Hmm, yes I can vaguely remember...

> carsten@x260:~/gitprojects/kicad-upstream/kicad/build [5.1] $ LANG= git st
> On branch 5.1
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/5.1'.
> Untracked files:
>   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>       ../eeschema/sch_text_help_md.h
>       ../pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_help_md.h

Would be nice if these files can be removed out of the way while the
cmake run is done. The current behavior is a bit annoying.

I'm quite sure this will come up regularly. :)


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