Hi Dick,

I tried the new bins (2008-02-01) and it is the same effect. 3 of 4
files were genrated, then it crashes.

Here you can find the complete project files:


BTW: the zone edit function is very much improved in the latest
version!! Great !!


Dick Hollenbeck schrieb:
> Try the newest SVN snapshot built by our good friend Mr.  Milan Horák:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=145591&package_id=242802&release_id=573964
> Milan maintains some binaries that are snapshots of the subversion 
> repository, saving users the time to build them from source themselves.  
> It is not a complete release, only binaries, so they should overlay your 
> current program files only.
> You can always find out his latest build from the top of the page here:
> http://kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
> If the problem happens with the SVN  20080204 snapshot, then let us know 
> here.  
> The next step would be to get your design files and walk the program 
> through under the debugger.
> Dick Hollenbeck
> SoftPLC Corporation
> http://softplc.com

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