--- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, "Geert Vancompernolle" <geert.foxbo...@...> 
> --- In kicad-users@yahoogroups.com, jean-pierre charras
> <jean-pierre.charras@> wrote:
> >
> > This is 4 steps way:
> > 1 - Run eeschema (or pcbnew), open preferences menu and click on
> "Create 
> > Hotkey config file".
> > 2 - With a text editor, change hotkey values (there are comments to do 
> > that within the hotkey file: eeschema.key or pcbney.key)
> > 3 - Rerun eeschema (better) ( or reread hotkey file in preferences menu 
> > for fast test) If no bugs, it must be work (I hope it).
> > 4 - Write a small ( or big ) tutorial about this (under OpenOffice) and 
> > send me it.
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Jean-Pierre CHARRAS
> >
> Not clear to me yet.  A real life example:
> I want to assign the key "C" to the "Copy Component" command.  So, I
> followed the above given steps and added the following line in the
> file eeschema.key, in the section [eeschema] (just after the "begin
> Wire" command):
> shortcut   "C":    "Copy Component"
> After closing and re-opening EeSchema, I don't see that new key.
> It's not clear to me what is allowed between the second pair of ""
> signs.  I assume it's the (exact?) text you see when you do the same
> action via the menu?
> If you want to copy a component, the only item available via the
> pop-up menu is "Copy Component", so I took exactly the same string
> (taking into account the caps too) to define my hotkey to copy components.
> What is wrong with this approach?
> Best rgds,
> --Geert

Hi there,
I have the same problem with the hotkeys.
After installing KiCad and defining a hotkey file (for PCBnew) I placed the line

shortcut   "Ctrl U":    "Save board as..."

to save the current changes with a new filenumber with a simple shortcut.

But after saving the file and rereading the file in PCBnew nothing happens by 
pressing "Ctrl U".
The predefined hotkeys work properly.
And also it is no problem to change the predefined shortcuts. When I change 
"Find component" from "Ctrl F" to "Ctrl W" save the file and reread the file 
the component finding dialog opens by pressing "Ctrl W".

Is this a bug or simple a misunderstanding of the instructions? I mean that it 
could be possible the developers only meant to change the predefined shortcuts 
to more suitable ones and not adding new shortcuts to the list. I come to this 
point when I see others having exactly the same problem as myself.



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