> Is there a preferred method for making zone connections that removes the rats 
> before the zones are actually filled?

Preferences will vary by individual (this, according to my wife).  My 
preference is to use the ratsnest display in freerouter and use the DRC in 
PCBNEW when the design comes back in.  I don't pay much attention to the 
ratsnest in PCBNEW, which I have seen erroneously show things that are not 

I always use freerouter to route my boards, no exceptions. 

If you are not yet using it with Kicad, you should at least try it, but plan in 
spending up to a full day learning it.  That investment in time is worth it.

Freerouter is an amazing piece of work, and to not be using it is to not be 
maximising the value of Kicad.


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