I have had a few issues migrating from RHEL 6 kickstart installs to RHEL 7.

1.  pxeboot installs were failing because I did not have the LiveOS
directory included in the customized ISO.  Is the LiveOS directory (and the
images in it) required in RHEL 7 now?
2.  in pxeboot, I had to have the proper order of options in the
isolinux.cfg (pxelinux.cfg) file.  We were also using NFS for the install.
Lastly, the pxeboot server is older, and caused issues with the nfs
version.  The order of relevant options was:


Notice that inst.ks=nfs didn't require the nfs version, but repo and stage2
did.  The order was also important for whatever reason.

3.  USB installs worked under RHEL 6.  Now, I'm having issues.  Under RHEL
6 I would use live-iso-to-disk to write the files to the USB drive.  This
came from the livecd-tools packages in fedora.

4.  I currently am able to do PXE installs and DVD installs without fail.

Under RHEL 7, the livecd-tools utilities no longer work for this as the
livecd-iso-to-disk script finds the LiveOS directory in the iso and stops
processing anything else, treating it as a LiveOS image.  So this goes back
to Number 1 above.  Is the LiveOS required?  Is there anyway to use
livecd-tools to generate the USB drive?

The generation of the iso is correct and I'm using isohybrid on the .iso.
Under RHEL 6, the usb drive would work flawlessly.

I switched to using the following while building on a RHEL.6 (soon to be
rhel.7) system:

pv -treb my.iso | dd of=/dev/sdc conv=noerrors,notrunc

So, is there a better way to make a bootable usb via command line -or- what
is the proper way to do this?

Should the iso layout mostly be exactly like the oem iso, with the
exception of the changed isolinux.cfg file(s), ks files, and additional

Thanks for all and any help/information you can provide!

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