
Actually the "class" and "inst" features of the annotations is how you map the annotations to the instances in the semantic repository. In this particular case, what KIM will do is - it will see that the annotation has a "class" ant not an "inst" and create an entity in the semantic repository with unique instance URI and of that particular class and put the instance URI as an "inst" feature of the annotation (that is done by the Instance Generator PR ) . This is why your code actually works and does not throw an error. It is your job to make sure the class in the "class" feature is a valid ontology class indeed.


On 07/21/2009 06:30 PM, ipinkfl...@inwind.it wrote:
Hi all,

I wrote this rule

Priority: 100

// avv. Carlo Rossi

  ( {Token.string== "avv"}
    ({Token.string == "."})?

):  avvocato   -->
     :avvocato.Person={kind = "positive", rule = "Avvocato", class = 

  This rule works correctly , but I don't understand why , if the class 
AVVOCATO doesn't exist in my ontology (http//mia.ontologia#) . In this way I 
have not associate this rule with my ontology. Must Kim give me an error?

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