my name is Enzo Buono, I am a Italian student. My university entrust me to 
develop an application (with use of KIM) for legal document so I can finish my 
study with it.
Thanks for the interest in Relation Framework. I'm not in hurry :)

So sorry if I am invasive, but my question is quite different.

I serched for an answer in the Jape Rule examples, and I find
that in Kim the DatatypeProperty, are used in the gazetter
So the attribute latitude:

<http://proton.semanticweb.org/2006/05/protont#latitude> "12.5166667" .

But I must recognize an attribute that isn't in gazetter.
For example "Carlo Rossi is 20 years old".

20 years old is a DatatypeProperty (Age) but not a class in my ontology .
I create a Macro that recognize Age but I don't know how I can link this 
attribute with the Entity Person (Carlo Rossi).

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