Hello Juha,

Please follow the actions in my previous mail. It is safe to delete all the contents of both $TOMCAT/temp/ and $TOMCAT/work/ folders. You can even delete $TOMCAT/webapps/KIM/ as well and tomcat will unpack it from the web archive again.

Actually running tomcat from within KIM is not required. You can easily just deploy the web archive KIM.war in $TOMCAT/webapps/ and start Tomcat the normal way. In the new version of KIM we don't even have a script to start Tomcat.

Hope this helps,

On 06/16/2010 11:25 AM, juha.juntt...@ec.europa.eu wrote:
Actually I did use http://localhost:8080/KIM/ - I just forgot to type
the full address in my previous e-mail. I have deployed KIM.war to
$TOMCAT/work/ has a number of sub-folders but no files in the
$TOMCAT/work/ -folder - should I delete all the sub-folders?
$TOMCAT/temp/ only has only one file - which is empty:
safeToDelete.tmp - do you think that might be the problem?

Philip Alexiev<philip.alex...@ontotext.com>
Software Engineer
Ontotext AD

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