Hello Sergey,

   Unfortunately, a tool that makes ontology editing an easier process still 
does not exist.  The utilities we use internally are mainly  Protege 
(protege.stanford.edu) , SWOOP (code.google.com/p/swoop/) and  mostly text 

   Usually we have data in the form of lists of items, that we want to 
transform to RDF and attach to the ontology.  This can be done in many ways, 
like using script languages (even bash shell alone),  any programming language 
or even Excel.  The idea is to go through the list, set the items as labels, 
and construct the instance URI from the text (having removed or replaced all 
URI special characters). 

Hope this helps
If not - please be a little more specific and we will try to help

Philip Alexiev
Software Engineer, KIM Platform

On 29 Mar 2011, at 1:31 PM, Сергей Васяйчев wrote:

> Hello!
> Does KIM (or Ontotext) platform provide any application(preferable Web) to 
> edit(add/update/delete) existing knowledgebase(Sesame) triples? 
> If not may be 3rd party tools exist for this?
> Thank you.
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