Hi Philip,


I just double checked it more than once and I got 329 countries if I execute
the sparql query directly with the dbpedia sparql endpoint. 


To be honest I’m more concerned about the issue related to the Large KB
Gazetteer, i.e. to why it does not recognise names containing a special
character (as provided in the examples below), although even the mentioned
issue is important.


Thanks a lot for your replies.





From: Philip Alexiev [mailto:philip.alex...@ontotext.com] 
Sent: 18 June 2012 13:52
To: Keith Cortis
Cc: 'KIM discussion'
Subject: Re: [Kim-discussion] Large KB Gazetteer




When I executed this sparql query over the provided sparql endpoint
(http://dbpedia.org/sparql)  I got exactly 305 results. Could you double
check to confirm that you get 329 ?





On 18 Jun 2012, at 1:56 PM, Keith Cortis wrote:

Hi Philip,


Thanks for your quick reply.


The following is the SPARQL query:


SELECT DISTINCT ?Name ?Country ?Cls


                ?Country a ?Cls ; rdfs:label ?Name ;

        <http://dbpedia.org/property/capital> ?capital .

                OPTIONAL { ?Country dbpedia-owl:dissolutionYear ?year } .


        FILTER (?Cls = <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Country>)

        FILTER ( langMatches( lang(?Name), "es") )



ORDER BY (?Name)


The DBPedia SPARQL Endpoint (http://dbpedia.org/sparql) returns a total of
329 country names for the query above, whilst the same query returns 305
country names only within the Large KB Gazetteer.


>From the tests conducted I noticed that all the Spanish country names that
do not contain any special character such as Austria, Australia, etc. are
all recognised (since they have been populated in the gazetteer), whilst the
ones containing special characters such as Brunéi, Camerún, etc. are not
recognised as Countries, even though some of the country names are within
the gazetteer.


I can’t figure out why the names containing special characters are not being
recognised by the Large KB Gazetteer, even though some of the names are
listed within.






From: Philip Alexiev [mailto:philip.alex...@ontotext.com] 
Sent: 18 June 2012 11:11
To: Keith Cortis
Cc: KIM discussion
Subject: Re: [Kim-discussion] Fwd: Large KB Gazetteer


Hi Keith,


Most probably the gazetteer query is not matching the RDF for those labels.


Please provide the RDF for some of the missed countries and also the
gazetteer query, in case you customized it.



Philip Alexiev

Software Engineer, KIM team



On 18 Jun 2012, at 12:55 PM, Philip Alexiev wrote:



Begin forwarded message:

I have been testing out the Large KB Gazetteer module in GATE (v 7.0), where
I noticed that the country names having a special character, are not being
imported into the newly created gazetteer. For example, if I want to create
a Gazetteer containing all the countries in the world, in Spanish
(rdfs:label ="es"), the gazetteer is only loading 299 instances from a
possible 324. Therefore, country names such as: Afganistán, Azerbaiyán,
Benín, Brunéi, etc.. are not being loaded, thus not recognised as a Country
entity. The same problem is occurring for city names, where all the names
are being imported into the gazetteer, but the ones containing any special
character (like the example provided above), are not being recognised as
being an entity.


Do you know what might be causing this issue please?


Thanks a lot for your help.







Keith Cortis

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) Galway,

Semantic Collaborative Software Unit (USCS)

National University of Ireland, Galway

Lower Dangan

Galway, Ireland


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