Hi Stefan,

The invariant you mention should indeed hold.  I've never seen a 
violation on a 32-bit machine.  But I encountered a similar issue on 
64-bit, where I think the next address should have been "none".  I don't 
have time to debug this any further, but let me know if you do.


On 11/04/10 01:11, Stefan Bucur wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just run into a Klee "out of bound pointer" error which I believe
> it is actually not a bug in the program I'm testing, but some error in
> Klee.
> I tried to analyze the associated test.ptr.err file generated, but I
> don't quite understand the meaning of "next" and "prev" addresses in
> the information given. In my case,
> address: 18446744073709366704
> next: object at 140550159429952 of size 768
> prev: object at 254899360 of size 72
> As far as I deduced from the code that generates this output, next and
> prev correspond to the upper_bound() and lower_bound() values of the
> offending address in the sorted map that keeps all the allocated
> memory objects. Because of this, I expected that next>  address>
> prev, which clearly is not the case here.
> Another observation which might be relevant is that the address value
> in 64-bit hexa is 0xFFFFFFFFFFFD2DB0, which looks like a small
> negative value or an address from the end of the memory space (maybe
> on the stack?).
> Do you have any insights about this issue?
> Thanks,
> Stefan
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