
The STP version in the repository is really old, from 2009.  I plan to 
remove that directory soon and make --with-stp required when configuring 
KLEE.  Would anyone like to update the configure script accordingly?

It should be fine to use a newer version of STP; we mention r940 on the 
website because we have tested it on some of our benchmarks, and it 
works well.  If anyone can recommend another version, I will add it to 
the website.


On 07/20/2012 03:23 PM, Delcypher wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
> I myself am quite new to KLEE I can't answer your first question but I
> can help with the second. If you configure KLEE as follows
> $ ./configure --with-llvm=/path/to/llvm-2.9/
> Then the ENABLE_EXT_STP variable will set to 0 (see
> autoconf/configure.ac <http://configure.ac> ) in the Makefiles.
> If you run the following in the root of the source directory.
> $ grep -r 'ENABLE_EXT_STP' .
> You will see the files that depend of this variable. From glancing at
> the list of files the two most important files appear to
> beMakefile.common, tools/klee/Makefile and tools/kleaver/Makefile
> It appears that setting ENABLE_EXT_STP to zero will cause the contents
> of the stp/ directory (root of the project source) to be built and the
> resulting static libraries are used instead of an external STP library.
> When ENABLE_EXT_STP is set to 1 (which happens if you specify
> --with-stp=/path/to/stpat configure time) then the stp/ directory will
> not be built and the external library you specified will be used instead.
> So the answer to your question "I have is to know which version does
> Klee defaults to of the STP when we do not provide on the configuration
> the location to the STP?" is that the version of STP used is the version
> in the stp/ folder in the root of the project. I have no idea which
> version of STP is in that folder so I can't help you any further than that.
> I hope that helps a little bit.
> Regards,
> Dan Liew.
> On 20 July 2012 07:52, Carlos Andrade <carlos.andr...@acm.org
> <mailto:carlos.andr...@acm.org>> wrote:
>     Dears,
>     I am new to this list and Klee and I hope this is a question not
>     related to this list, if so apologizes in advance.
>     (1) I am interested on using Klee output of STP tests together with
>     the pySTP wrapper, is this still viable? I did some search on my own
>     on the STP log and noticed that the latest update to STP was
>     2012-06-15, however Klee suggests revision 940 which dates to
>     2010-07-08. On the PySTP website
>     (http://security.dico.unimi.it/~roberto/pystp/) there are two
>     versions where the latest one (0.2) dates to 2010-08-08 (it is not
>     version control so there are only two available). Moreover, they
>     require that STP is compiled and the libraries are copied to PySTP.
>     I ended up finding libconsteval.a only on an old branch on the
>     repository from 2008-07-09, but putting them together with 940 other
>     required libraries by the wrapper didn't seem to work. Is there
>     still any revision together with Klee version that would be
>     compatible both between the output of Klee for .cvc and this Py
>     wrapper?
>     (2) The second question I have is to know which version does Klee
>     defaults to of the STP when we do not provide on the configuration
>     the location to the STP? That is, when we run:
>     $ ./configure --with-llvm=/path/to/llvm-2.9/
>     Thank you for your attention.
>     Best Regards,
>     Carlos Andrade
>     http://carlosandrade.co
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