Hi Yi,

We used this sequence:

mkdir obj-klee
make -w O=obj-klee defconfig
cd obj-klee
make CC=klee-gcc LD="llvm-ld --disable-opt" AR=llvm-ar SKIP_STRIP=y V=1
ln -s busybox_unstripped.bc <toolname>  (for each tool you want to run)

You might need to adjust this a bit (I noticed that on my current machine I also need CFLAGS=-fnested-functions).

Hope this helps,

On 27/02/2013 15:47, Yi Zhou wrote:
Hi everyone:
                     I want to test busybox-1.4.2 like coreutils.
                     But I get a link error:
                     llvm-ld: error: Cannot find linker input
                     make: *** [busybox_unstripped] error 1

                     I use the command:make
CC=/full/path/to/klee/scripts/klee-gcc LD=llvm-ld
                     make V=1 CC=klee-gcc LD="klee-gcc -Wl,"
SKIP_STRIP=y CFLAGS=-fnested-functions
                     someone can help me ?
                     Thank you very much!!
Yi Zhou
Institute Of Software
Chinese Academy of Sciences

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