Sorry it was my mistake. Please replace "sudo apt install wllvm"  with the 
following two commands:
sudo apt install python-pipsudo pip install wllvm

On Wednesday, July 5, 2017, 7:35:00 AM GMT+8, Nourah mmm <> 

Thank you very much for your replay. 

I tried to do that, however, its print extract-bc: command not found.

I'm trying to extract the bc from SPEC cpu2006 Integer benchmarks. So I did the 
   - sudo apt install wllvm
   - LLVM_COMPILER=clang CC=wllvm make --> here I use clang version 3.4 and I 
just write wllvm without a path.
   - Then, it generate the .o files and an executable program(mcf)   

   - extract-bc mcf

Thank you 

On 4 July 2017 at 03:04, <> wrote:

I suppose what you want is to produce a bitcode for running with KLEE. You can 
probablydo a normal build procedure for the program, but with replacing your C 
compiler with wllvm.wllvm is available here: 
whole-program-llvm See also an installationinstruction as the Step 2 here: 
Testing Coreutils · KLEE

|  | 
Testing Coreutils · KLEE




Alternatively, on Ubuntu 16.04, you can do
sudo apt install wllvm
to install wllvm.
I assume you would normally build the program using "make". In that case, and 
assumingthat both clang and wllvm are in your PATH, the following might work to 
produce the binary:

LLVM_COMPILER=clang CC=wllvm make
And then you can do:

extract-bc program
To get the program.bc for running with KLEE.

On Tuesday, July 4, 2017, 9:05:49 AM GMT+8, Nourah mmm <> 


I'm testing a program that compress and decompress files. 
For C compilation I'm using these flags: 

How could I use these in KLEE? 

Thank you 
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