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Hi there,

I am now playing around KLEE and try to use clang to build bitcode file in the 
first tutorial (http://klee.github.io/tutorials/testing-function/).

My command is: clang -I ../../include -g -emit-llvm -O0 -Xclang 
-disable-O0-optnone get_sign.c

And it complain -emit-llvm cannot be used when linking.

I try: clang -I ../../include -g -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone get_sign.c

And it complains "undefined reference to 'klee_make_symbolic'" even I give all 
the dependency(those .a file) of KLEE to wllvm. It should at least normally 
compile even I am not using “-c -emit-llvm”. Does anyone know what’s the reason 
for clang cannot find the dependency for KLEE library?


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