The School of Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology is 
seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work on a new research project on 
Automated Test Generation for Parallel Programs. The postdoc will be jointly 
mentored by Profs. Alex Orso and Vivek Sarkar, and will interact closely with 
both their research groups. The technical scope of the project includes 
differential testing of C/C++ parallel programs through symbolic execution. The 
default term for this postdoc is two years, with an optional extension for a 
third year. Candidates with a PhD in computer science and research background 
in symbolic execution, testing and debugging of parallel programs, and related 
topics are encouraged to apply. Of particular interest are candidates who are 
familiar with the KLEE symbolic execution engine and the Kokkos parallelization 
APIs. This postdoc position will provide opportunities for collaborative work 
with faculty and research scientists, as well as co-mentoring experiences with 
students. A one-semester teaching experience can also be made available as an 
option for interested candidates (especially those considering academic 

To apply for this position, please send an up-to-date CV with a 1-2 page 
statement of interest to and

We are looking forward to receiving your application!


Alex Orso (

Professor, School of Computer Science
Associate Dean, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology

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