
Maka berilah PERINGATAN ,(kepada peminum2alkohol, Gay-Lesbian,wanita2
penari,penjudi2 atau kepada penyembah2 berhala, ajaran2 sesat dll) karena 
sesungguhnya kamu hanyalah orang yang memberi peringatan. Kamu bukanlah orang 
yang berkuasa( diktator, atau orang yang memaksa) atas mereka. Tetapi orang 
yang berpaling,khafir(ingkar,melawan), maka ALLAH akan mengazabnya dengan azab 
yang besar..(QS.88;21-22).

"Tugas kamu(Muhammad) hanya menyampaikan saja. Kami lah yang menghisab
perbuatan2 mereka" dan QS.13:40.

If Asma had not made a living giving lessons in Afghanistan, the Taliban would 
not have decided to teach her one of their own.


She knew she was taking a risk when she broke Taliban taboos by taking a job in 
a girls' school in southern Afghanistan, where the group has been gaining in 
power as the Nato military mission falters.

When the Taliban's warning came, in a letter left during the night, it was as 
unequivocal as it was brief. "We warn you to leave your job as a teacher as 
soon as possible otherwise we will cut the heads off your children and we shall 
set fire to your daughter," it said.

Asma stopped working as a teacher, and the Taliban claimed another quiet 
victory in their silent war on Afghan women; a war, some warn, in which they 
could be on the cusp of a breakthrough.

Human rights advocates fear that a renewed interest from the Afghan government 
in political reconciliation with the Taliban could erase the fragile progress 
made in improving the situation of Afghan women over the past nine years in 
return for peace.

Officially, the Taliban say they are not interested in a peace deal with the 
government. But behind the scenes, insurgent leaders are said to have held 
meetings with government officials, sparking fears of a possible return to the 
brutal repression of women that came to define the Taliban's time in power.

"We are a little bit confused," said Fatana Gailani, the chairperson of 
theAfghanistan Women's Council, in an interview from Kabul. "One day the 
government says one thing, one day they say another. And the international 
community, too, does not have a single policy."

Hired guns?

Central to the reconciliation theory is the assertion that the majority of
Taliban ranks are made up by guns for hire - that they are non-ideological
fighters who can be lured away from the group, and from the values it espouses.
Many women are registered to vote, but turnout is low in Taliban-controlled
areas [EPA]

Some say that the Taliban has abandoned any social agenda to concentrate solely
on fighting the presence of international troops in Afghanistan, but this claim
is belied by the experience of women on the ground in Taliban-controlled areas.

"Everyone says there are so many kinds of Taliban," Gailani said. "But the
Taliban do not have two or three faces. They have one face, one ideology."

Local Taliban commanders often set up parallel governance structures to
implement their vision of society, one in which women know their place and do
not seek to change it.

Taliban edicts on local populations have been as wide-ranging in their scope as
they are brutal in their threats. Girls in Kapisa province have been threatened
with being beheaded if they call local radio stations to request songs.

Abdul Salam Zaeef, a former Taliban envoy to Pakistan who was imprisoned in
Guantanamo Bay after the fall of the Taliban, says that the group "are not
against" women, but seek to treat them "in accordance with Islam".

"This kind of situation today in Afghanistan is not acceptable to the Taliban,"
he told Al Jazeera.

"But this is not only unacceptable to the Taliban, but to other people in
Afghanistan. They are looking at this as some kind of corruption that came to
Afghanistan; they [the Americans] ... want to change our customs."

Changing strategy

But Tom Malinovski, the Washington director of Human Rights Watch, rejects
Zaeef's argument.

"We are talking about really basic things - the ability to walk out of your
house, to go to school, the ability to have a job," he says. "I don't think
there is a question that most Afghan women, regardless of whether they consider
themselves to be on the conservative and liberal side of the Afghan spectrum,
would like to do these things without being killed. The desire to go to school
without being killed is not a Western value."
Many women, tired of war, have mixed views on the Nato occupation of Afghanistan

As Kabul buzzes with rumours of meetings between the Afghan government and
figures associated with the Taliban, and Nato strategy moves from seeking
outright victory over the Taliban to creating conditions for their fighters to
lay down their arms, human rights activists are doing everything they can to
make sure this sort of statistic remains a thing of the past.

Masha Hamilton, the founder of the Afghan Women's Writing Project - a non-profit
programme that publishes writing from Afghan women - said many of her writers
feel "trapped" between the violence of war and the grim prospect of a negotiated

"They want the conflict to end ... but in this political arena, with this
president, I don't think they feel there's much that can be done to protect
women's rights," she said.

Suraya Pakzad, the executive director of the Herat-based Voice of Women
Organisation and a member of last month's peace jirga, said the government has
made some positive gestures on women's rights. Delegates to the jirga agreed
that insurgents should accept the Afghan constitution, which declares men and
women to be equal.

But Pakzad said in an interview that she was not convinced the Afghan government
will follow through to enforce that demand.

"Since the fall of the Taliban ... we have all kinds of beautiful papers that
protect women's rights," she said. "But if there's no action on the part of the
government, then they won't help."

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