
On Wednesday 05 October 2016 13:38:23 Jack wrote:

> On 2016.10.05 13:06, Aloisio Caio Bello wrote:
> > My systems of knowledge is very low. But I want to take you and ask
> > for you to present my suggestion:
> > First I want to congratulate the KDE team that produced KMyMoney and
> > continues to improve it. It is by far the best financial management
> > program I know. After I discovered the kmy Money replaces the
> > controls in spreadsheets and other programs used to manage my
> > personal finances.
> > 
> > But I have a suggestion (however, if this mechanism already exists in
> > KMyMoney, please let me know).
> > 
> > The suggestion is: can make a link between payments and purchases for
> > each record that is done with the scanned document and to stay in a
> > specific folder.
> > 
> > For example: all purchases that do, are paid by credit card, and the
> > related tax document I is delivered by the seller. I would like to
> > have these scanned documents and linked to the respective amount
> > recorded in the bank account or card account whose control is made
> > unitarily by expenditure made in KMyMoney.
> > I have no idea how this suggestion would be implemented, but it would
> > be useful to identify referred to the expense. Often wish to review
> > the expense and knowing referred to was or how much product as such
> > or purchase. And the link would facilitate my life.
> If you currently scan the documents and save them as PDF files, you
> could simply put the path to the file in the memo field of the
> transaction.  Accounts have a notes field where you could also save the
> path to a PDF file.  There would be no automatic way to retrieve or
> view the file, you would have to copy/paste the path into a command
> line or file browser, but it is something you can do now.
> I can think of several ways to make this easier for the user, and I
> will probably file a wishlist for it, although I don't think it will be
> a very high priority.

... which already exists (for quite some time now ;) )


I admit, we should at some point move all those feature requests over to the 
KDE tracker.

>   The main decision is whether KMyMoney actually
> stores the PDF file within the KMY file, but I don't think that is a
> good idea, as it greatly increase the size of the file.  It might be
> more feasible if using the database back end, but I don't think it
> would be good to have different ways depending on the back end.
> However, it might be reasonable to KMyMoney to allow storing one or
> more file links in each split/transaction/account/category/payee/.....
> The improvement over just using the memo or notes field would be that
> KMyMoney would know it is a file path, and could probably have the
> system open the file for you, and it could optionally (perhaps as part
> of the consistency check) confirm that all the files pointed to in that
> way really do exist.

Having the files on the file system in a specific folder somewhere in .local 
or .kde is probably the best way to do it. But as you mentioned: it's not very 
high on my list, though it could come up if I only get this KF5 stuff working 
here ....



Thomas Baumgart

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What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized.
What we call random is just patterns we can't decipher.
What we can't understand we call nonsense.
What we can't read we call gibberish. - Chuck Palahniuk

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