On 9/4/22 09:44, Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

On Montag, 29. August 2022 21:05:30 CEST Jack via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
The edit security dialog has a dropdown for price entry: "Price per
share," "Total for all shares," or "(default)".  Where is the default
value set?  I've been hunting, but have not been able to find it.
Even hunting in the code for "price per share" I only find two
references (new account dialog and new investment wizard.)
If I understand this correct, you are looking for the code in
ActivityPrivate::priceMode() (this is for master). At the end
of that method it has the following section:

         // if mode is still <Price> then use that
         if (mode == eDialogs::PriceMode::Price) {
             mode = eDialogs::PriceMode::PricePerShare;

where eDialogs::PriceMode::Price is the default.


As I read that, it says that PricePerShare IS the default.  If that's the case, then I will open a wishlist to be able to change the default, other than a local patch.  Am I just imagining that I was ever able to change the default?


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